Khalid Mammadov

Apache Spark internals: Shuffle in detail

Note: this is follow up from previous article Apache Spark internals: RDD creation behind the scenes

In these “Spark internals” series I am describing how Spark manages our instructions and converts them to actionable tasks that is distributed to a cluster and results are collected back.

The example I am going to use is below classic word count code that shows essential parts of the Spark i.e. map and shuffle. It uses RDD API and that’s easier to comprehend and showcase Spark’s distributed framework.

Example code

Below code is executed in the Scala REPL with all Spark dependencies included (you can check my other articles for how to create an environment)

This code reads a file splits words and the counts them:

import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}

import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}

val logFile:Path = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/dev/sample_data/games.csv")

val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("My app")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

val txtRDD = sc.textFile(logFile.toString, minPartitions = 2)

val flatmap = txtRDD.flatMap(_.split(" "))
val mapped =>(w, 1))
val reduced = mapped.reduceByKey(_+_)


Shuffle process

Below picture depicts actual execution flow. Each stage gets 2 task (dependent on partition count specified). At Stage 0 tasks are sent to executors to run in parallel and each task will work on one part of the file i.e. Part1 or Part2. Well, in our example there is only one file and that gets just split into two parts (from middle). For Hadoop an alike storages we have a separate blocks for each file and hence tasks will work on those. Inside a task, a part of data is going through series of transformations. In our case the lines are split to words then a tuple is created then we count the words with reduceByKey. Once that done using HashPartitioner we split outputs into 2 parts, one per part of partition. Each key distributed to partitions based on modulo of a keys’ hash code divided to its partition count

partId = key.hashCode % partCount

Finally, data is written to local disk as blocks for each partition separately. And this information is communicated to a Drivers MapOutputTracker service to be aware of the results. Once all tasks are completed in the given Stage then DagScheduler will schedule next one (Stage 1).

At Stage1 again two tasks are launched, one per partition. Here we want to collect all blocks for Partition 1 or Partition 2. So, we try to load data from either local store or fetch from remote location using BlockStoreShuffleReader class. It first checks if a block is available locally and if not fetches from relevant Executor. In our case one block is in local store and one not so that is fetched. This fetch is done by asking Driver to send location for this block for given unique shuffle id.

Once all blocks are fetched for given partition then it can be reduced (combined) again. So this gives us result of word counts for each word as all occurrences of this word is now available in this task. The results are sent back to Driver.

The same happens for the other Task 3 on the Executor 2.

Once Task 2 and Task 3 completes then Stage 1 can be marked as Done and whoe Job can be marked complete inside DagScheduler.

And at this phase results from both partitions are gathered into an Array with concatenation and returned to the user!


Shuffle config

The main shuffle configuration in Spark is spark.sql.shuffle.partitions which is by default 200. This config dictates how many partitions Spark must generate during shuffle. Most of the time we need to change this value and adjust accordingly to our needs. For example if we have large data set and want to maximize our parallelism we can set this number to maximum available cores so shuffle produce this number of partitions for later steps to advantage of or if we have a small dataset and it’s already partitioned let say by 4 partitions we may not want to increase that and keep as 4 as well. Then we need to set this config accordingly to achieve this.


Hopefully, picture already explains what happens when shuffle gets invoked and it’s true for RDD and DataFrame API. Based on this we can make informed decisions how we can manage our data to reduce shuffle or make it as efficient as possible for our pipeline.