Khalid Mammadov

Apache Spark ML: Using Gradient Boost Classifier to predict MOT test results [Python]

In this article I am going to use Spark’s ML functionality to do some predictions. The complete code sample can be found here spark_ml_gradient_boost


The goal is to find if given particular car is going to pass MOT test or not. For this purpose I am going to use number of columns as features. Particularly, I will use: make, model, first use year, milage, engine capacity and fuel type.
I know that these alone are not enough to make accurate prediction if a car is going to fail an MOT test as it also depends on many other factors of the car e.g. tiers, wipers, lites etc.

But I will do my best to do prediction using available data.


I will use MOT test results provided by UK’s Department for Transport. It contains all test results data from all cars in UK from last few years. I have picked up 2020 as an example and downloaded that zip file.

Sample data from the files:

user:~/download/dft_test_result_2020$ head dft_test_result-from-2020-10-01_00-00-00-to-2021-01-01_00-00-00.csv 
1224251677,1368373019,2020-10-01,4,NT,P,38749,LU,LAND ROVER,RANGE ROVER EVOQUE,BLACK,DI,1999,2016-09-27

As you can see data is in CSV format and it has got all the cars’ details with registration year. This data will be cleaned and some irrelevant column will be dropped like test_id.


This is binary classification problem and I’m going to use Gradient boost classifier to do the actual job. I have used different classification algorithm in my other post, see Spark ML Random Forest


I am using Apache Spark’s ML libraries and ecosystem to create an ML model that can predict this results.

Ok, lets gets started.

You can download complete source code of the model below:

I am going to list part of the above code below and explain what each part do.

First we import all necessary packages and classes. These will be explained in due course.

from import Pipeline, PipelineModel
from import GBTClassifier
from import MulticlassClassificationEvaluator
from import IndexToString, StringIndexer, VectorAssembler, VectorIndexer
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import expr, year, col

We then instantiate a Spark session and set log level to ERROR to reduce logs during execution.

spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[*]").appName("MOT Test result prediction").getOrCreate()

The data from GOV.UK website is in CSV format and that means Spark needs to read whole file to do filtration and read data and so it would be better to save it as immutable Parquet columnar format as it very efficient to read and filter data and we are not intending to alter it anyway.

So, this reads CSV files and does some simple transformations and saves the data as Parquet.

 source_files_path = "/home/user/download/dft_test_result_2020"
    mot_data ="header", "true").csv(source_files_path)
     .withColumn("year", year(col("first_use_date")))
     .repartition(col("year"), col("make"), col("model"))

Disclaimer: I know this can be done as one step like checkpointing but I’ll keep it as is for simplicity

Then it reads the same data as Parquet and filters only new tests. As cars can retake the test later again once they fix the faults and pass the test. So, we are interested in the first test for a given year and to find out weather it passed or not first time.

df = (
          .filter("""test_type = 'NT'
                       and test_result in ('F', 'P') """))

Feature engineering

Then it cleans data by dropping not used columns and converting numeric columns.

I also filter here specific mark and model due to data size and my server that does not have enough capacity to handle it all. So, we will focus on one car model but with different milage, year, engine and fuel type. Here Ford Fiesta chosen due to popularity reasons and data size. It’s one of the popular cars in UK!

df = (df
          .drop("colour", "vehicle_id", "test_id", "test_date", "test_class_id", "test_type", "postcode_area",
          .withColumn("indexed_test_mileage", expr("int(test_mileage)"))
          .withColumn("indexed_year", expr("int(year)"))
          .withColumn("indexed_cylinder_capacity", expr("int(cylinder_capacity)"))
          .filter("make = 'FORD'")
          .filter("model = 'FIESTA'"))

This is how data now looks like:
|test_result|test_mileage|make| model|fuel_type|cylinder_capacity|year|indexed_test_mileage|indexed_year|indexed_cylinder_capacity|
|          P|       86485|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1388|2008|               86485|        2008|                     1388|
|          F|       43971|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1242|2008|               43971|        2008|                     1242|
|          F|       59431|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1242|2008|               59431|        2008|                     1242|
|          P|       46361|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1388|2008|               46361|        2008|                     1388|
|          P|      100075|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1596|2008|              100075|        2008|                     1596|
|          P|       63489|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1388|2008|               63489|        2008|                     1388|

We declare which column in our source data are string and which columns we are going to use as features.

string_cols = ["make", "model", "fuel_type"]
feature_cols = ["test_mileage", "fuel_type", "year", "cylinder_capacity"]

Here I use helper function get_string_indexer to create a StringIndexer instance given a column name. Then data is cleaner further to remove nulls and then all string columns are traversed to be converted to numerical values using helper function.

    def get_string_indexer(c) -> StringIndexer:
        return (StringIndexer()

    for _col in feature_cols:
        df = df.filter(f"{_col} is not null")

    df = df.localCheckpoint(True)

    for _col in string_cols:
        indexer = get_string_indexer(_col)
        df =

Quick check how data looks like after transformations so far:
|test_result|test_mileage|make| model|fuel_type|cylinder_capacity|year|indexed_test_mileage|indexed_year|indexed_cylinder_capacity|indexed_make|indexed_model|indexed_fuel_type|
|          P|       86485|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1388|2008|               86485|        2008|                     1388|         0.0|          0.0|              0.0|
|          F|       43971|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1242|2008|               43971|        2008|                     1242|         0.0|          0.0|              0.0|
|          F|       59431|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1242|2008|               59431|        2008|                     1242|         0.0|          0.0|              0.0|
|          P|       46361|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1388|2008|               46361|        2008|                     1388|         0.0|          0.0|              0.0|
|          P|      100075|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1596|2008|              100075|        2008|                     1596|         0.0|          0.0|              0.0|
|          P|       63489|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1388|2008|               63489|        2008|                     1388|         0.0|          0.0|              0.0|
|          P|       81777|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1242|2008|               81777|        2008|                     1242|         0.0|          0.0|              0.0|
|          P|       45296|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1242|2008|               45296|        2008|                     1242|         0.0|          0.0|              0.0|

As you can see we have got source columns and corresponding encoded numerical ones as well.

Now, we need to collect these numerical columns into one column as a vector and VectorAssembler is here to help. I am also using Spark’s DataFrame checkpointing feature to materialise lazy transformation and save them as Parquet files locally for faster repeated reads.

    idx_feature_cols = [f"indexed_{c}" for c in feature_cols]
    features_assembler = (VectorAssembler()

    with_features_vector_df = (features_assembler

Quick check the result and as expected one column with all features bundled:
|test_result|test_mileage|make| model|fuel_type|cylinder_capacity|year|indexed_make|indexed_model|            features|
|          P|       86485|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1388|2008|         0.0|          0.0|[86485.0,0.0,2008...|
|          F|       43971|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1242|2008|         0.0|          0.0|[43971.0,0.0,2008...|
|          F|       59431|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1242|2008|         0.0|          0.0|[59431.0,0.0,2008...|
|          P|       46361|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1388|2008|         0.0|          0.0|[46361.0,0.0,2008...|
|          P|      100075|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1596|2008|         0.0|          0.0|[100075.0,0.0,200...|
|          P|       63489|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1388|2008|         0.0|          0.0|[63489.0,0.0,2008...|
|          P|       81777|FORD|FIESTA|       PE|             1242|2008|         0.0|          0.0|[81777.0,0.0,2008...|

Then we need to set this features column as input data to our training model.

    feature_indexer = (VectorIndexer()

We then split data into two parts by 70% and 30% for training and testing purposes:

(training_data, test_data) = with_features_vector_df.randomSplit([0.7, 0.3])

Now, we create an instance of our GBTClassifier

gb = (GBTClassifier()

Now, we need to set our prediction column that we are trying to find out given the test sample. So we test_result column that can have either P or F and since it’s a string column we use StringIndexer class to convert them to a numeric values.

label_indexer = (StringIndexer()

Also, create an object that will convert our predictions back to original values:

label_converter = (IndexToString()

Then we use pipelines to chain the transformations, training and converter as stages:

pipeline = Pipeline().setStages([label_indexer, feature_indexer, gb, label_converter])


Here actual training of the model happens and a Model object is returned. As you can imagine training process take long time and in order to save time for testing and checks for development we can save it into a location and load it as necessary. I am using a simple toggle USE_SAVED_MODEL in the code for simplicity

use_saved_model = False
    path = "/home/user/models/spark-rf/model"
    # Train model. This also runs the indexers.
    model: PipelineModel
    if use_saved_model:
        model = PipelineModel.load(path)
        model =


We can now use our test data to make predictions using our trained model

predictions = model.transform(test_data)

We can then save predictions to a file and calculate accuracy of our model:

cols = [*["predictedTestResult", "test_result"], *feature_cols]
    # predictions.selectExpr(cols: _*).show(1500)

    # Select (prediction, true label) and compute test error.
    evaluator = (MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
    accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
    print(f"Test Accuracy = {accuracy}")
    print(f"Test Error = {(1.0 - accuracy)}")

Here is the output values in my tests:

Test Accuracy = 0.7334723480442346
Test Error = 0.26652765195576544


As you can see 73% accuracy is not great (as I said from beginning to predict this output we need to have more information about a car’s current condition usage and how it was looked after etc.)

But I think it’s still usable in certain contexts. For example, one pattern the prediction model revealed that in general there is a bias for MOT Pass, which makes sense as inherently people taking their cars to certify has already checked their car’s state and fixed obvious issues. Another was the strong correlation between predicted and actual MOT test result for one particular Ford Fiesta model with a milage above 120K and particular petrol engine!